Archive for January, 2009

Still Worried?

I am, and I follow the news…..

Going back a few months in an earlier post, I had expressed concern that there might be an “October Surprise” from the Bush Crime Family, and that of course includes Uncle Dicky “Fester” Cheney. If this were to happen, they would do away with the election, and using emergency war powers, allow the worthless one to remain past his time to leave. As for me, I think his time to leave was a month or two before he was handed the office of president by the Supreme Court, but I digress.

Well, here we are with only a day or two before the inauguration of the new and improved president, and the exit wound (that’s my kindest term for Bush leaving office) happens. Having stripped the country of any source of pride,  Bush 43 moves on to live in his dream world where he did nothing wrong and everyone conspired against him. 

So here we are, down to the wire, and with the whole world watching we have to fear that the master of instilling fear doesn’t go 51/50 on us and call in favors from the Christian right wingers (no pun intended) that make up the command level of the Air Force in the form of an “accidental” air strike or other incident during the inauguration. 


By the way, when I was in the Air Force, Broken Arrow was the term for an “incident” involving an aircraft with nukes aboard.


The combination of that title with parts of the plot of a movie called “Black Sunday” could lead one to an interesting scenario in the sky above Washington D.C.


Yeah, you can bet I’m sweating it, I’m hoping I’m wrong, and that’s no joke.

January 18, 2009 at 3:40 am 4 comments


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