Posts filed under ‘lions and tigers’

The Boogieman Returneth

Taking a brief break from my crapping on some of the weasel like talent that has crapped on me and so many others over the years, has anyone else become aware of the very strong drumbeat that is going on now, pushing a return to the cold war?

Perhaps the coming end of the Bush and Putin runs of power, who I think are two sides of the same coin, has created a need to have someone to flaunt as a boogie man, a current and present danger, maybe even enough to prevent elections that have very predictable results? Google “Anti-missile”, “SDI”, or “Star Wars like missile shield” and see what’s happening of note.

Every day it seems that there is some sort of a story or two on the ‘net about some (Hang on Donald with the comb over, your turn is coming) trumped up event or situation from our side or theirs (does anyone know the name of the Russian Karl Rove?), moving both of our countries away from a peaceful detent, and revving up the military industrial complex monster machine once again.

And one more time, we the Sheeple are asked to just bend over and grab our ankles.

I’m just asking………

June 3, 2007 at 9:42 am Leave a comment

Direct from Dilbert’s Blog

This is a comment I posted on the Dilbert blog earlier today, after Scott Adams asked about the difference between our form of government and the one they have in Iran, I thought it was worth posting here. Also, I’m working really long hours on a film and in truth I don’t have the energy to write another word today, so here it is in all its copied and pasted glory:

Here in the U.S. we have a “President” that’s in office thanks to either the “Supreme Court” or a company that manufactures vote counting machines and is owned by a person with ties to donations to a certain political party, depending on who you choose to believe. This “President” is also in the 2nd place in our power structure, ruled over by the “Vice President” who is appointed by the “Corporations”, these actually make the decisions that run the country.
You might remember when there was a question about the “President” having some sort of bump on his back during the debates, that’s just the accidently left open trap door to where the person doing the actual thinking puts his hand in to make it seem like the “President” is making his own movements or speach.
The “Vice President” isn’t really a good ventriloquist, as you can see by how he can’t manage to keep his mouth to be level as he tries to make it look like he’s not the one who’s actually speaking. If he was really good, he could drink a glass of water while the dummy, ooops, the “President” was speaking. I’ve never seen this happen yet. The “President” on the other hand (the one that most likely belongs to the bloated creature known as “Rove”), has known problems just eating a pretzel, even when he’s not speaking. Or snorting, for that matter.
So, getting to your question about which system is better, it’s like asking someone if they want to be thrown into a cage full of lions or a cage full of tigers (any other Detroit sport teams besides the Pistons to add to this analogy?). In the end, no pun intended, we’re all just so much shit on the bottom of a cage to the ones that really do run things. Me? I’m going in to the tar and feather retailing business, I think there’s going to be a really big demand for these items sometime in 2008.

March 9, 2007 at 4:04 am 1 comment


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