Posts filed under ‘gaming the voting’

More than I had imagined….

In a previous post, I opined that a few major reasons for our expanding economic disaster, other than those which have been brought on by the constant bumbling of our moron president, are happening off camera, so that our unseen government could work to close off the entitlement programs that they are not able to touch otherwise because of public support. For example, should the budget be pissed away on an endless war in West Bumfucistan, or stuffed into the pockets of friends of, let’s say the (Bush Crime) family, well then, there’s just nothing available for all of those needy bastards, piss on them……

The trickle down theory made simple:

It’s just how gravity works, now do you get it? 
Some of the programs that they had been unable to get shut down in spite of years of trying include Social Security, Head Start Education, Food Stamps, Medicare (which Ronald Reagan saw as pure socialism), etc, etc. This is the sort of stuff that the mega rich have no need for and don’t want others to get, they feel that you can’t raise yourself higher than the crowd without pushing others down. Also, when you are able to keep the poor undereducated and in constant debt from medical bills and other financial trauma, then you can jerk them around forever. Or until they learn about the revolutions in France and Russia.

Well, another cause that I had completely overlooked has now become obvious to me. If they’re able to break the budgets of the individual states, there will then be a huge gain in the controls that can be placed by the feds on problematic (for the federal government) state level issues like medical marijuana use, equal voting requirements, worker safety, etc…. this done by using the threat of removal of federal funds from states that go against the fed’s grain on such issues. And the states have an almost uniform budget crunch going on now, what with the loss of taxes because of the economy. An infinite loop if you will.

Yep, this another work in progress, with more to be added soon. So, stop by a little later to read the thrilling non-conclusion to a problem that isn’t going away in our lifetime.

Here’s a link for this page should you like to forward it to either someone you care about, or perhaps someone you’d like to piss off, whichever one happens to apply:

October 11, 2008 at 4:29 am Leave a comment

It’s going deep, deep into left field….

Imagine that there’s a political party with some, um……, let’s say previous “expertise” in gaming the voting procedures and electronic machines, that is they’ve developed ways of making strange things happen between the entry poll and the final voting results.


Now further imagine that someone in said party realizes that by setting up such a game in the primary of another party, the party of the first part (sorry, couldn’t resist that one) could manipulate the competition into voting in an unexpected straw dog that come real election time would be vulnerable to any number of dirty tricks. Perhaps they would do this in two different primary elections with two very different prospects to thereby create a small group of targets for later work and divide up votes that could go to, ummmm……..


……oh, let’s just say a much more worthy option.

Meanwhile, back in the trenches……

Now, imagine just for this exercise, a black guy and a white woman.

Imagination not working? O.K., try these ones.


I’m just saying, Ms. Clinton or Mr. Obama might have the “honor” to be the first Democratic presidential candidate to have hoisted up on the big ballot by members of the Republican party.

This isn’t really such a new idea, as long ago I tried to drum up votes for one J. Danforth (Danny Boy) Quayle, Quayl, whatever that Hoosier village idiot’s name was. I was sure that if he somehow got on the ballot, even Republicans wouldn’t stoop so low as to vote for some goy, er… some guy who, if elected, would have required the government to purchase a short yellow version of Air Force One, if you get my drift.

Son_of_a_bitch if “W” didn’t prove me wrong!

Oh, what to do? Well, for starts……..


January 11, 2008 at 10:11 pm 1 comment


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