Archive for July, 2016

They Don’t Make Mistakes Do They?

Here’s one so far apparently overlooked aspect to share for those who find it hard to believe that Bill Clinton could have been so stupid as to jump onto Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s aircraft and have an impromptu talk only days before the FBI was to interrogate Hillary (interesting side bar here, the government could have raked in millions by selling a few seats behind the always interesting one way mirror  in the interrogation room to allow the high bidders to watch the questioning), but I digress. BillOverhillaryBill Clinton is so many things to so many people but he’s not known for stupidity, so why would he pull this bonehead stunt? Suppose for a moment that he knew that Lynch, out of fear of having someone roll over on her, would be forced to open her books on the Clintons in a deposition or if she was put on trial and reveal all she’s learned about them since defending them in the “White Water” deal in 1992. The easiest way to avoid that would be by making her, excuse the Clinton connected term, “Tainted” and forced to recuse herself, which is exactly what she did. Her future now that she’s been temporarily pulled away from the threat of ‪#‎arkancide‬ would be considered to be shaky at best.

ron brown arkancide

I just hope Loretta has done her homework and will avoid all flights in small private aircraft, not be around people cleaning guns, and also not go near an open window several stories above ground level or stand on the roof of such a building, I wouldn’t want her to end up being the next black former Clinton “friend” (Google Ron Brown – Clinton) like Ron in the photo above.

While You're in Prison

Feel free to share this, I’d like to hear from others who might have more to add….

July 3, 2016 at 7:21 pm 1 comment


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